New Day - Take Me
Words and Music by Erin Workman

My heart is weak and failing/But you are strong/My mind
is always changing/But you never change at all/Where
I am cold, uncaring/You give me love/Where I am blind
with anger/Your mercy opens up my eyes/To see beyond
my understanding/To know that you are all I’m needing,
oh will you/Take me far from all I know/To live a life
that’s not my own/Take me now and make me so/I look
and love like you alone/Take me to the place inside of
/Everything you are/Take me/When I am lonely, aching/
You whisper peace/When I have fallen, broken/You lift
me up till I can see/The way your eyes shine with
compassion/You move me far beyond my reason, oh will

[(c) 1999 Word Music, Inc. (ASCAP All rights reserved. Used by permission.]